Photographers note: As an individual from a low income, first generation immigrant background, taking professional graduation pictures seemed unattainable and illogical to consider due to the possible financial stress it would cause me and, potentially, my family. Thus, ever since I’ve started photography, I’ve tried to be equitable in providing opportunities for affordable photo shoots. If your financial situation is barring you from considering graduation pictures, please don’t hesitate to reach out and we can work something out together. From flexible payment plans, to a 15 minute mini session option, there are quite a few options we can explore! 

You deserve to be recognized for the hard work you’ve put into getting here, so I would love to be a part of celebrating your journey!

Check out my current Graduation Packages below.
ready to Book? fill out my contact form & let's get you scheduled!

Explore my Graduation gallery for previews of past graduation shoots!

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